Dublin Maker 2022 happened!

Dublin Maker 2022 took place on the 23rd of July in Merrion Square in Dublin. Despite some initial rain it turned out to be a great day out (as usual). Lots of photos of the event can be seen here:


Thanks to all the committee for organizing this great event.

The DMB 2022 badge runs Zephyr!

I finally finished (sort of) the code for the badge. It contains a number of games including:



Brici (like breakout)


An adventure game called Microrealms


A version of the Battleship game for two players (we did this on paper when were in school)

And a communications “applet”

This uses BLE Mesh which is made possible by Zepher OS (version 2.6.0). When the badge is idle it shows the Dublin Maker logo which includes a city skyline containing “The spire”. This pretends to be a radio antenna as shown below 🙂

Code for all of this is over on github here https://github.com/fduignan/nrf52833

This will not be the end of the road for this badge. I plan to add additional software and upgrade to a more recent version of Zephyr although I will have to learn more about the PINCTRL mechanism first.