The STM32F030 driving an ST7789 display

The ST7789 display used in this example is a 1.3 inch 240×240 colour LCD display. It interfaces to the STM32F030 at the pretty fast speed of 24MHz. The display is connected as follows:
My intention with this circuit is to create a low cost conference badge (actually for Dublin Maker 2019). The target bill-of-materials cost is €5 – most of which is attributed to the display.
Full size image
Connecting the hardware is only part of the story however and a software library is also required. This was based on the Breadboard Games code from last August in Wexford. The main changes that had to be addressed were the new initialization code and the openAperture code. These were based on the Adafruit library code and the manufacturer’s datasheet. This library includes some graphic drawing primitives as well as other functions to support game play (e.g. timing and random number generation). Additional functions will be added as the badge develops.
Code is available on github
A video of the library in operation is available on YouTube.