Breadboard games. Christmas 2023

This event’s focus is not so much on delivering a finished game as delivering a platform for learning micropython.

The board consists of a SeedStudio/Xiao RPI2040 which has just enough pins for this project. It also has a built-in WS2812 RGB Led along with additional LED’s on board.

A set of construction images is shown below. Be careful to place the wires and components exactly as shown. The breadboard has rows labelled a to j and columents 1 to 63 which may help when inserting components. If you would like to know more about breadboards this video may help:

Construction image gallery

The following three images show the placement of the display wires and grounds on this board

The image below shows the placement of the gamepad wiring. Be sure to run the wires in the slot as shown. The left-most button is equivalent to the A button on a game controller. Its left pin lines up with a pin on the microcontroller development board so no wire is needed for it (apart from ground).

The long black and blue wires are shown below. Be careful to leave space for the microcontroller board when routing the blue wire.

The microcontroller boards is placed as shown. It fits in to the left-most holes of the breadboard.

The buzzer placement is shown below. One pin goes into the ground track of the breadboard, the other wire goes to the leftmost column of the breadboard just below the microcontroller board.

Finally, fit the display as shown below. Be careful to line up the pins with the wires as shown.


Our game console is programmed in Micropython which is best accessed using the Thonny development environment. There are three ready-made games which will hopefully help your learning of micropython and the hardware on our board. There is also a place for you to create your own game. When the board starts you are presented with a menu which allows you select from these (press A to select). There are lots of micropython and python learning resources on the Internet. The basics of Python can be studied here: Micropython tutorials tend to be board specific. A tutorial for our XIAO board can be found here: Board documentation is available here (check the rpi2040 chapter):

The code you will use in this exercise includes additionaly libraries to manage our specific hardware. This hardware includes the display, the buzzer, the various buttons and the onboard RGB led. Here is a list of the functions within these libraries.

Functions that control the display
putPixel(x,y,colour): lights up a display pixel with the specified location and colour
drawLine(x0,y0,x1,y1,colour): x0,y0 = start point, x1,y1 = end point
fillRectangle(x1,y1,w,h,colour): x1,y1 = top left corner, w=width, h=height
drawRectangle(x1,y1,w,h,Colour): x1,y1 = top left corner, w=width, h=height
clear(): clear the screen to black
putImage(x,y,w,h,img,horiz,vert): put image at x,y. Width is w, height is h. Image data is in img and h,v specify whether image is inverted in horizontal or vertical axes
setOrientation(h,v): set display orientation (0,0) = default
print(text, x, y, forecolour, backcolour): print text at x,y with foreground and background colours
drawCircle(x0,y0,radius,colour): circle with
RGBToWord(r,g,b): convert 8 bit red, green and blue values to a 16 bit colour value

Functions that use the gamepad buttons
leftPressed(): returns 1 if the left button was pressed
rightPressed(): returns 1 if the right button was pressed
downPressed(): returns 1 if the down button was pressed
upPressed(): returns 1 if the up button was pressed
aPressed(): returns 1 if the A button was pressed
buttonPressed(): returns a bit patten for the various buttons (0 if nothing pressed)

Functions that manage sound
sound.tune.append() : append a note to the sound array

Sprite functions
sprite(x,y,w,h,image,display): creates at sprite with the initial position x,y. Bounding rectangle height=h,width=w
show(): show the sprite on screen
hide(): hide the sprite
move(newx, newy): move the sprite (erase at the previous location)
move_no_erase(newx, newy): move the sprite (don’t at the previous location)
setOrientation(horiz, vert): set sprite horizontal and vertical orientation (default 0,0)
isOverlapping(sprite2): do this sprite overlap another?

RGB Led support
set_colour(self,red,green,blue): light up the onboard LED with the particular color

Once you have finished building the board (and playing the games) we will explore how you might write your own game. Starter code for this event is available below:

The GD32E230

I came across some GD32E230K8T6 microcontrollers on Aliexpress. They contain an ARM Cortex M23 that can run up to 72MHz, 64kB of Flash and 8kB of RAM. They were on sale for 72c so I had to try them out. The ones I bought were the in an LQFP32 package which can be soldered fairly easily onto a breakout board as shown below.

Also shown in the image is a CMSIS adapter (from Aliexpress too!). To connect to the board I had to modify the openocd cmsis-dap.cfg file as follows:

adapter driver cmsis-dap
cmsis_dap_vid_pid 0xc251 0xf001
cmsis_dap_backend hid

Openocd can then be started as follows:

openocd -f cmsis-dap.cfg -f /usr/share/openocd/scripts/target/gd32e23x.cfg

Gigadevices provide a firmware library over here

This covers all the basics (GPIO,ADC,SPI etc) however the directory layout didn’t suit my usual way of doing things so I restructured it a little so that programs could be built from the command line using a simple script.


#include <stdint.h>
#include "system_gd32e23x.h"
#include "gd32e23x_gpio.h"
#include "gd32e23x_rcu.h"
void delay(uint32_t dly)
int main()
    SystemInit();  // system clock is set to 72MHz


This program uses some functions from the driver library provided by Gigadevices. For simplicity I placed all of the header and c-source files for this library in a higher level directory called include. The program can be built using the following command:

arm-none-eabi-gcc -mthumb -g3 -mcpu=cortex-m23 init.c main.c ../include/*.c -I ../include  -T linker_script.ld -o main.elf -nostartfiles 

This is not at all optimal as it compiles all the driver code every time and also makes the final executable bigger than it needs to be. However it is useful for getting started and the executable file size can be trimmed later if needs be.

The blinky program has two source files : main.c (above) and init.c. The second of these contains all of the interrupt vectors and global/static data initilization routines. This, along with another couple of examples can be found over on my github page.

Hands on Risc-V (RV32IMAC) assembler : Part 4

Making decisions

Up until now, the microprocessors I have dealt with made decisions using the following pattern:

compare A to B

branch if higher/lower/same etc to somewhere else

The compare instruction is similar to a subtraction however the result is not used but changes to the ALU flags are used to by the subsequent conditional branch instruction to determine whether the branch (jump) is taken or not. Comparison operands typically can be registers or (sometimes) an immediate values.

The RV32IMAC architecture executes the compare and conditional jump operation as a single instruction. Some examples are:

	beq t0,zero,jump2
	bne t0,zero,jump1
	blt t0,t1,jump1
	bltu t0,t1,jump2
	ble t0,t1,jump2
	bleu t0,t0,jump1
	bgt t0,t1,jump2
	bgtu t0,t0,jump1
	bge t0,t1,jump2
	bgeu t0,t0,jump1

Note that conditional branches work with registers only. The destination is a 12 bit signed relative offset expressed in two byte steps. In other words if this is 5 then the actualy offset is 10 bytes away. The first two comparisons above use the zero register in the CPU core as one of the operands. The u suffix on the conditional branch instructions indicates that an unsigned comparison is to be made.

Hands on Risc-V (RV32IMAC) assembler : Part 3

Arithmetic calculations

The code below shows addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Immediate addition and subtraction are the same instruction ; you add a negative sign to the immediate value to perform subtraction. Immediate values are 12 bit signed so the range of values is -2048 to +2047.

Multiplying two 32 bit numbers requires two steps: the mul instruction produces the 32 bit low order word result. The mulh(u) insruction produces the 32 bit high order word result. The u suffix is used for unsigned multiplication.

32 bit division uses the div instruction while the rem instruction can be used to determine the remaind er of a division.

I have noticed some problems debugging this chip. Normally when you debug assembly language, the debugger shows you the line of code that will be executed next i.e. it hasn’t happened yet. I have noticed that this is not the case with this debugger and mcu. I suspect it is due to the instruction pipeline in the CPU behaving in way that is not expected by jlink and/or gdb. I have taken to (temporarily) adding nop instructions at various places to stop the CPU from getting ahead me.

/* Initialization routine which sets the stack pointer, 
 sets initial global values and clears those that are not
 specifically initialized.  Assumes that the linker script aligned 
 data sections along a word (4 byte) boundary.
	.global Reset_Handler	
	.section start
	lui sp,0x20005 # set stack pointer to top of RAM
	lui t2,%hi(a)		/* load 20 high bits of address of a into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(a)   /* add lower 12 bits of address of a to t2 */
	lw t0,0(t2) 		/* load the value pointed to by (0+t2) into t0 */
	lui t2,%hi(b)		/* load 20 high bits of address of b into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(b)	/* add lower 12 bits of address of b to t2 */
	lw t1,0(t2)			/* load the value pointed to by (0+t2) into t0 */	
	add t4,t0,t1        /* register to register addition */
	sub t5,t1,t0		/* register to register subtraction */
	add t4,t0,1			/* add immediate */
	add t5,t0,-1		/* subtract immediate */
	add t4,t0,2047		/* maximum immediate addition (12 bits signed) */
	add t5,t0,-2048		/* maximum immediate subtraction (12 bits signed) */
	lui t2,%hi(a)		/* load 20 high bits of address of a into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(a)   /* add lower 12 bits of address of a to t2 */
	lw t0,0(t2) 		/* load the value pointed to by (0+t2) into t0 */
	lui t2,%hi(b)		/* load 20 high bits of address of b into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(b)	/* add lower 12 bits of address of b to t2 */
	lw t1,0(t2)			/* load the value pointed to by (0+t2) into t0 */	
	mul t4,t0,t1		/* low order multiplication word */
	mulhu t5,t0,t1		/* high order multiplication word */
	lui t2,%hi(mul64)		/* load 20 high bits of address of mul64 into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(mul64)	/* add lower 12 bits of address of mul64 to t2 */
	sw t4,0(t2)				/* store the value in t4 to address pointed to by (0+t2) */
	sw t5,4(t2)				/* store the value in t5 to address pointed to by (4+t2) */
	lui t2,%hi(e)		/* load 20 high bits of address of e into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(e)   /* add lower 12 bits of address of e to t2 */
	lw t0,0(t2) 		/* load the value pointed to by (0+t2) into t0 */
	lui t2,%hi(f)		/* load 20 high bits of address of f into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(f)	/* add lower 12 bits of address of f to t2 */
	lw t1,0(t2)			/* load the value pointed to by (0+t2) into t0 */	
	divu t4,t0,t1		/* 32 bit division result	*/
	rem t5,t0,t1		/* 32 bit division remainder */
	lui t2,%hi(divresult)		/* load 20 high bits of address of mul64 into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(divresult)	/* add lower 12 bits of address of mul64 to t2 */
	sw t4,0(t2)				/* store the value in t4 to address pointed to by (0+t2) */
	sw t5,4(t2)				/* store the value in t5 to address pointed to by (4+t2) */
	nop /* 1 */
	nop /* 2 */
	nop /* 3 */
	nop /* 4 */
	nop /* 5 */
	nop /* 6 */
	nop /* 7 */
	nop /* 8 */
	nop /* 9 */
	j exit_spin
a:	.word 0x12345678
b:	.word 0x23456789
e:	.word 19
f:	.word 6

mul64:	.word 0,0
divresult:	.word 0
rem32:	.word 0

Hands on Risc-V (RV32IMAC) assembler : Part 2


The GD32VF103 has 32 CPU core registers (x0 to x31) each of which is 32 bits wide. There is also a 32 bit program counter (pc) (instruction pointer). Apart from x0 which is read-only and always returns a value of zero all the registers are interchangeable. This means that any register can be a stack pointer, a link register, an argument to a function and so on. While this freedom may seem great it could lead to chaos if you want pre-compiled program modules or libraries to work with one another. There must be some agreement between authors of such as to which registers carry return results, parameters, behave as a stack pointer and so on. The RISC-V Application Binary Interface (ABI) defines this and also renames the registers so that their use is more apparent. Assemblers and compilers are aware of these names also. The register names used in the RISC-V ABI are:

x0 is renamed to zero. This reminds me of the constant generator in the TIMSP430 which could output 6 different constant values that were commonly used in code. Using the zero register is faster than loading the value 0 from memory and is commonly used in program loops etc.

a0 to a7 : These are used to pass arguments to functions.

a0 and a1 are also used to return values from functions.

x2 is nominated as the Stack Pointer (sp)

x1 is used as a link register (it remembers the return address in leaf functions). It is called “ra” (return address). This is similar to the link register in ARM Cortex-M processors.

t0 to t6 are “temporary” registers. Functions need not preserve values in these registers

s0 to s11 are “saved” or “variable” registers. Functions must preserve values in these registers. They typically are used to hold a variable for quick access in a function (e.g. a loop counter).

x3 is renamed as gp (global pointer) and can be used to point at the middle of the global memory space

x4 is renamed as tp (thread pointer) is used in multi-threaded applications and points at a block of memory containing static data used by the current thread.

The mapping of these ABI register names to the underlying “x” register names may seem a little arbitrary. Presumably it is influenced by various efficiency constraints and the need to accommodate a version of the architecture which has only 16 registers (the “E” or embedded architecture). From a programmers perspective it makes no difference which underlying “X” register is used for each role so don’t worry too much about it!

In summary, the registers typically used by an application program are as follows:

t0-t6temporary or scratch registers
a0 to a7function arguments and return values
s0 to s11registers where you can keep variables inside a block of code. Register s0 is used as a frame pointer inside a function call.
spstack pointer
rareturn address for leaf functions
gpglobal pointer
tpthread pointer
zeroa register that always returns a value of zero.

How do I put a number in a register?

The GD32VF103 uses an RV32IMAC core. This means it does Integer calculations only. Has a hardware Multiply, is capable of certain Atomic (non-interruptible) instructions (useful for multitasking and interrupts) and it can execute Compressed (16 bit) instructions as well as 32 bit ones.

From a programmers point of view, it might be nice if we could write instructions like this:

1) Put this 32 bit number into this register.

2) Add 1 to this register.

3) Store this register at this 32 bit memory address.

4) Set this register to zero.

From a CPU design perspective these instructions are less than ideal. Instruction 1 must be more than 32 bits wide as it has to encode the instruction, the target register and the 32 bit value.

Instruction 2 could be easily encoded in 16 bits.

Instruction 3 is, once again, wider than 32 bits.

Instruction 4 could be encoded in 16 (or fewer) bits.

These variable length instructions cause problems for instruction pipelines and complicate the instruction fetch mechanism. It would be nicer if instructions were a fixed width e.g. 32 bits. If you have lots of memory then this is fine. In embedded situations, where memory is in short supply, this is quite wasteful. If all instructions occupy 32 bits then simpler instructions will include lots of unused bits. RISC-V and ARM designers have compromised on instruction size by processing a mix or 16 and 32 bit instructions. This allows more instructions to be packed into less memory and only slightly complicates the instruction fetch and pipeline hardware. In the case of RISC-V the 16 bit instructions are referred to as Compressed instructions (the “C” in RV32IMAC).

Ok, we have 32 bit and 16 bit instructions. How do we do instruction 1 above:

Put this 32 bit value into this register

You could do it in two halves and load the upper 16 bits followed by the lower 16 bits using two 32 bit instructions.

Or, you could execute a command of the following form:

Load the 32 bit value in memory that is N bytes away from here.

In the case of RISC-V, you can do the following:

Load the following 20 bits into the upper bits of this register (clearing the lower 12 bits)

Add the following 12 bit number. The programmer can write these two commands

lui t0,0x12345 /* load upper 20 bits */

addi t0,t0,0x678 /* add lower 12 bits */

This is further complicated by the fact that the addi instruction takes a signed value. If you need to add an immediate value whose 12th bit is set (implying a negative value) you have to figure out two’s compliment values and add what looks like a negative number. Recognizing that this is likely to lead to all sorts of human errors, a handy pseudo instruction is available: load immediate or li. This is translated by the assembler into the correct pair of lui and addi instructions. So, our load now goes like this:

li t0,0x12345678

The Load Store architecture.

All arithmetic and logical operations in the RV32IMAC are carried out via the cpu registers. It is not possible to add values in memory directly to one another : you need to get them into registers first (load), do the calculation and then optionally write (store) the result back to memory. Suppose you want to do the following calculation:

c = a + b;

Typically the process works like this:

Make a pointer to a.

Load the value at a into a register.

Make a pointer to b.

Load the value at b into a (different) register.

Add the two registers together.

Make a pointer to c.

Write the result to c.

The code shown below implements this (not particulary optimal).

	lui t2,%hi(a)		/* load 20 high bits of address of a into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(a)   /* add lower 12 bits of address of a to t2 */
	lw t0,0(t2) 		/* load the value pointed to by (0+t2) into t0 */
	lui t2,%hi(b)		/* load 20 high bits of address of b into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(b)	/* add lower 12 bits of address of b to t2 */
	lw t1,0(t2)			/* load the value pointed to by (0+t2) into t0 */
	add t0,t0,t1		/* add the values at a and b */
	lui t2,%hi(c)		/* load 20 high bits of address of c into t2 */
	addi t2,t2,%lo(c)	/* add lower 12 bits of address of c to t2 */
	sw t0,0(t2)			/* store the value in t0 to address pointed to by (0+t2)

	j exit_spin
/* constants below are in flash */	
a:	.word 0x12345678
b:	.word 0x23456789
/* variables are placed in ram */
c:	.word 0

Hands on Risc-V (RV32IMAC) assembler : Part 1

Setting up the development environment


I was looking around for a board to tinker with RV32 assembly language as a way of getting to know the architecture a bit better. I tried using a WCH-Link debugger module and a CH32VF103 board but so far I have had no success using OpenOCD with it. I have opted instead to use a Longan Nano GD32VF103 in conjunction with a J-Link Edu debugger. This worked well enough for me to get going although the debug interface appears to be very sensitive to noise.

Using the Jlink tools from Segger a GDB link to the target as follows:
JLinkGDBServer -device GD32VF103C8T6 -if JTAG

First code.

My goal here is to get started into RISC-V assembler with the minimum amount of fuss. When the Longan-Nano GD32VF103 boots it begins executing code at address 0. Typically this code would initialize global and static variables, set the stack pointer and then call on main. For this particular architecture it also needs to set up the interrupt controller. I will do this at a later time. For now I will work without interrupts.

/* init.s
 Initialization routine which sets the stack pointer, 
 sets initial global values and clears those that are not
 specifically initialized.  Assumes that the linker script aligned 
 data sections along a word (4 byte) boundary.
	.global Reset_Handler
	.extern INIT_DATA_END
	.extern BSS_START
	.extern BSS_END
	.extern main
	.section start
	lui sp,0x20005 # set stack pointer to top of RAM
# Fill global and static variables with initial values
	beq t1,t2,done_init_data
	lw  a0,0(t0)
	sw  a0,0(t1)
	addi t0,t0,4
	addi t1,t1,4
	j init_data_store_loop
# Fill uninitialized global and static variables with zero
	la	t0,BSS_START
	la  t1,BSS_END
	beq t0,t1,done_zero_data
	sw  x0,0(t1)	
	addi t0,t0,4
	j zero_data_store_loop
# call main C code
	jal main
main_exit_spin: /* should not get here. */
	j main_exit_spin

This code needs to be placed at address 0 (aliased from 0x08000000). The linker script helps do this by associating the section name “start” with the first entry in the flash ROM.

/* linker_script.ld */
/* useful reference: */
/* sdata and sbss : the 's' prefix indicates short addressing (32 bit rather than 64 bit) is used */
    flash : org = 0x00000000, len = 64k
    ram : org = 0x20000000, len = 20k
	. = ORIGIN(flash);
        .text : {
		  *(.vectors); /* The interrupt vectors */
		  . = ALIGN(4);
        } >flash
	. = ORIGIN(ram);
        .data : {
	  . = ALIGN(4);
        } >ram AT>flash
	.bss : {	  
	    . = ALIGN(4);
	} > ram
	BSS_END = .;

/* main.c */
int x=0x12345678;
int y=0xabcd1234;
int z;
int main()
	y += 5;
	z = 4;

The following command compiles the code:

riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32imac -mabi=ilp32 main.c init.s -nostdlib -T linker_script.ld -g3 -O0

The -march parameter is set to rv32imac which matches the gd32vf103. The mabi argument generates code with the following integer and pointer sizes:

long : 64 bits, int : 32 bits, short : 16 bits, pointers : 32 bits

(ref :

There are two files in this project : main.c (a simple C program) and init.s.

The nostdlib argument really says that this is a completely bare-metal program that requires no additional components.

The linker script file name is specified with the -T argument.

The -g3 argument turns debugging information up to the maximum which helps debugging

The -O0 argument turns off all optimizations so that the code is left “as is”.

Debug session

Execute the following command to start the debug session (assuming you have started the JLinkGDBServer in another window).

gdb-multiarch a.out  

This starts the following GDB session.
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 13.1-2ubuntu2) 13.1
Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <;
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type “show copying” and “show warranty” for details.
This GDB was configured as “x86_64-linux-gnu”.
Type “show configuration” for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at: <;.

For help, type “help”.
Type “apropos word” to search for commands related to “word”…
Reading symbols from a.out…
(gdb) target ext :2331
Remote debugging using :2331
main () at main.c:12
12 x+=y;
(gdb) monitor reset
Resetting target
(gdb) load
Loading section .text, size 0x9c lma 0x0
Loading section .data, size 0x8 lma 0x9c
Start address 0x00000000, load size 164
Transfer rate: 160 KB/sec, 82 bytes/write.
(gdb) stepi
Reset_Handler () at init.s:17
(gdb) i r
ra 0x0 0x0 <Reset_Handler>
sp 0x20005000 0x20005000
gp 0x0 0x0 <Reset_Handler>
tp 0x0 0x0 <Reset_Handler>
t0 0x0 0
t1 0x0 0
t2 0x0 0
fp 0x0 0x0 <Reset_Handler>
s1 0x0 0
a0 0x0 0
a1 0x0 0
a2 0x0 0
a3 0x0 0
a4 0x0 0
a5 0x0 0
a6 0x0 0
a7 0x0 0
s2 0x0 0
s3 0x0 0
s4 0x0 0
s5 0x0 0
s6 0x0 0
s7 0x0 0
s8 0x0 0
s9 0x0 0
s10 0x0 0
s11 0x0 0
t3 0x0 0
t4 0x0 0
t5 0x0 0
t6 0x0 0
pc 0x4 0x4 <Reset_Handler+4>

Commands that are entered are shown in bold in the above listing. The first of these is

target ext :2331

This connects to the JLinkGDBServer over TCP port 2331 on the local machine

monitor reset

This resets (and halts in this case) the GD32VF103


Loads the program specified in the command line (a.out) into flash memory


Execute a single assembler instuction pointed to by the the program counter (pc)

i r

Shorthand for info registers. This displays the contents of the CPU registers.

Now that all of this seems to be working further adventures in RISC-V assembler will follow.

Mystery micro Monday

The microcontroller pictured above is a curiosity. It is labelled STM32F0C8T6 and it is in an LQFP-32 package. According to ST’s datasheet, the STM32F0C8 is an LQFP-48 device so this chip should not exist. Suspecting a forgery I soldered it to a breakout board and investigated using openocd. It turns out that this is a mis-labelled STM32F0K6T6 with 4kB of RAM and 32kB of flash. Other than the faulty label it appears to be fine. Counterfit or factory reject? Who knows?

Using the quadrature encoder interface on the Tiva C Launchpad

Quadrature encoders are used for measuring motor rotational speed and direction. They can be optical or magnetic just like the one below. This quadrature encoder has two Hall effect sensors which allow a program or quadrature encoder interface measure motor speed and direction.The figures above show the output from the two Hall effect sensors when the motor is running forwards and backwards. Notice how H1 has a falling edge when H2 is high on the left plot and it has a falling edge when H2 is high in the second plot. This allows a quadrature encoder interface to determine the motor direction.To measure motor speed, you need to measure pulse frequency and divide by the number of pulses produced during each cycle. The black disk in the photo above has a number of magnets embedded within it.The outputs from the Hall Effect sensors can be connected to the PhA and PhB inputs of the Tiva C on Port C (PC5,PC6).Code to initialize Quadrature Encoder Interface 1 on the Tiva C is shown below

void initQEI(void)

// Quadrature encoder is connected to PC5 and PC6

// These correspond to PhaseA1 and PhaseB1

SYSCTL_RCGCQEI |= (1 << 1); // enable the clock for QEI1

SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO |= (1 << 2); // enable GPIOC

SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL |= (1 << 2); // enable AHB access to GPIOC

GPIOC_DEN |= (1 << 5) + (1 << 6); // digital mode for bits 5 and 6 of GPIOC

GPIOC_AFSEL |= (1 << 5) + (1 << 6); // alternate function mode for bits 5 and 6

GPIOC_PCTL &= ~((0x0f << 20) + (0x0f << 24)); // zero out pin control value for bits 5 and 6

GPIOC_PCTL |= ((6 << 20) + (6 << 24)); // zero out pin control value for bits 5 and 6

QEI1_CTL = 0x00000020;

QEI1_LOAD = 8000000; // This sets the timing window to 1 second when system clock is 16MHz

QEI1_MAXPOS = 1000;

QEI1_CTL |= 1;


The motor velocity can then be read as follows:

int getQEIVelocity()


int speed = QEI1_SPEED;

int direction = QEI1_STAT >> 1;

if (direction)

speed = -speed;

return speed;


This post was pug together on a mobile phone with a poor Internet connection. It will definitely need editing later 🙂

Revisiting the TM4C123

I have had reason to work with the TIVA C launchpad recently. It’s been around a while and can still be found in various retailers. I had never explored the dedicated PWM system on the device which can generate 16 outputs. Three of these are connected to the onboard RGB LEDs so you can vary brightness of them individually. The configuration is pretty straightforward as shown below:

void initPWM()
    SYSCTL_RCGCPWM |= (1 << 1); // turn on PWM1
    SYSCTL_RCGC2 = SYSCTL_RCGC2 | (1 << 5); // turn on GPIOF
    SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL = SYSCTL_GPIOHBCTL | (1 << 5); // turn on AHB access to GPIOF

    // Will drive the LED's using PWM
    // PF1 -> pin 29 -> Red  -> M1PWM5 Module 1, PWM Gen 2, GPIOPCTL value = 5
    // PF2 -> pin 30 -> Blue -> M1PWM6 Module 1, PWM Gen 3, GPIOPCTL value = 5
    // PF3 -> pin 31 -> Green-> M1PWM7 Module 1, PWM Gen 3, GPIOPCTL value = 5
    GPIOF_AFSEL |= (1<<3) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 1); // select alternative function for GPIOF1,2,3
    GPIOF_DEN = GPIOF_DEN | ( (1 << 3) | (1 << 2 ) | (1 << 1) ); // digital mode bits 1,2,3 of GPIOF
    GPIOF_PCTL = (5 << 12) | (5 << 8) | (5 << 4);

    PWM1_PWMENABLE |= (1 << 7)| (1 << 6) | (1 << 5);
    PWM1_PWM2LOAD = 50000000/25000; // 25kHz assuming system clock is 50MHz
    PWM1_PWM3LOAD = 50000000/25000; // 25kHz assuming system clock is 50MHz
    // PWM counter will count down.  When it reaches 0 the output is set to zero
    // when it counts down to the value in the CMPA or CMPB register the output is
    // driven high.  This means that the duty is proportional to the value in CMPA or CMPB
    PWM1_PWM2GENB = (2 << 0) + (3 << 10); // Drive high on match, low on zero (gen b)
    PWM1_PWM3GENA = (2 << 0) + (3 << 6); // Drive high on match, low on zero (gen a)
    PWM1_PWM3GENB = (2 << 0) + (3 << 10); // Drive high on match, low on zero (gen b)
    PWM1_PWM2CMPB = 0;
    PWM1_PWM3CMPA = 0;
    PWM1_PWM3CMPB = 0;
    PWM1_PWM2CTL |= (1 << 0); // enable pwm block
    PWM1_PWM3CTL |= (1 << 0); // enable pwm block
    PWM1_PWMSYNC = 0x0f; // synchronize all counters
void setRed(uint32_t Percent)
    Percent = (Percent * PWM1_PWM2LOAD)/100;
    PWM1_PWM2CMPB = Percent;
void setBlue(uint32_t Percent)
    Percent = (Percent * PWM1_PWM3LOAD)/100;
    PWM1_PWM3CMPA = Percent;
void setGreen(uint32_t Percent)
    Percent = (Percent * PWM1_PWM3LOAD)/100;
    PWM1_PWM3CMPB = Percent;

The helper functions setRed,setBlue,setGreen take a single argument which represents the percentage duty. This cuts down resolution but is fine for our purposes. (The maximum possible resolution in this example is 1 in 2000 which is the reload value used by the PWM generator blocks). Full code is available over here on github. Code was developed using Code Composer Studio from Texas Instruments.

Debugging got even better!

While reading an article online ( I learned that it is possible to dial up debug information levels with gcc. Previously, I would use a build command of the following form:

arm-none-eabi-gcc -static -mthumb -g -mcpu=cortex-m0 *.c -T linker_script.ld -o main.elf -nostartfiles

This worked fine but when it came to inspecting things like I/O ports defined by macros it left me with lots of work to do in a gdb debug sesssion.

Consider the following definition

typedef struct {                                /*!< (@ 0x48001400) GPIOF Structure                                            */
  __IOM uint32_t  MODER;                        /*!< (@ 0x00000000) GPIO port mode register                                    */
  __IOM uint32_t  OTYPER;                       /*!< (@ 0x00000004) GPIO port output type register                             */
  __IOM uint32_t  OSPEEDR;                      /*!< (@ 0x00000008) GPIO port output speed register                            */
  __IOM uint32_t  PUPDR;                        /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register                       */
  __IM  uint32_t  IDR;                          /*!< (@ 0x00000010) GPIO port input data register                              */
  __IOM uint32_t  ODR;                          /*!< (@ 0x00000014) GPIO port output data register                             */
  __OM  uint32_t  BSRR;                         /*!< (@ 0x00000018) GPIO port bit set/reset register                           */
  __IOM uint32_t  LCKR;                         /*!< (@ 0x0000001C) GPIO port configuration lock register                      */
  __IOM uint32_t  AFRL;                         /*!< (@ 0x00000020) GPIO alternate function low register                       */
  __IOM uint32_t  AFRH;                         /*!< (@ 0x00000024) GPIO alternate function high register                      */
  __OM  uint32_t  BRR;                          /*!< (@ 0x00000028) Port bit reset register                                    */
} GPIO_Type;                                    /*!< Size = 44 (0x2c)                                                          */

#define GPIOA_BASE                  0x48000000UL
#define GPIOA                       ((GPIO_Type*)             GPIOA_BASE)

This allows me to write lines of code like this:

GPIOA->MODER |= (1 << 6); // Make bit 3 an output

In a GDB debug session it is nice to be able to look at the various registers in a port structure. Previously I would have done something like this:

print/x *((GPIO_Type *)0x48000000

This is cumbersome and requires you to know the correct names of the data structures and the various addresses they live at in memory. The blog entry mentioned above however pointed at a better way. The build command is changed as follows:

arm-none-eabi-gcc -static -mthumb -g3 -mcpu=cortex-m0 *.c -T linker_script.ld -o main.elf -nostartfiles

Note the “g3” i.e. turn up debugging information to the max.

Now, when I run a GDB session I can issue commands like this:

print/x *GPIOA

The extra debugging information allows GDB to work through all the macro definitions and show the contents of the port structure. Autocomplete even works :)))